Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 30- A motto or philosophy

I never said it would be easy..... I just said that it would be worth it. I really believe this quote because after you have been through hard times you it is easy for you to cherish the good times. Why this quote means so much is when I was junior in high school my mom lost her job that she had, had for 23 years. I was in shock when she told me and at first I didn't believe it. I remember praying that night and I just got this overwhelming feeling that everything would be just fine. It was just so hard to think my mom would no longer have a job. She did have a part time job for 4 months and then she was hired on full time at her current job and it was the biggest relief that she finally had a full-time job. But I know that because of that experience I learned so much. During that time I had to learn to do a lot of things for myself because my mom was gone at night instead of during the day. It really helped with the adjustment to college because I already knew how to cook meals and do other basic things on my own. While I was going through this I just why did this happen to me but I can honestly say it was worth it and I learned so much. I am done with the 30 day blog challenge and I have to say that the only way I made it through was the fact that I set most of the blog posts as drafts. That means when the day came to post them all I had to do was change the post date and push publish post and bam I was done. Anyway I hoped you have learned a lot about me and I will continue to post, just not everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know you can schedule a post in advance? So, say I wanted to type something up today but not post it until Friday ... I would put the date on the post {as I type it today} as April 1st and then click on "publish post". It will then tell you it is scheduled to be published on Friday. Super cool, no? Then you don't even have to go in every day and change the date. You can do it all in advance!
