Thursday, September 8, 2011

The little brother I always wish I had.....

About a week ago one of the best people I know was in a tragic car accident that took his life. His name was Logan and I went to his house everyday for about 7 years. Growing up he was kind of like the little brother I never had. I was at work when the accident happened and I remember hearing the ambulence and then I saw the fire truck and thought oh no something terrible has happened. After that I had forgotten about the fire truck and ambulence till my mom called me at 10:45 and told me that Logan had died I just started crying. My mom got home from work about 10 minutes later and we went right up to his house. It was so hard to be in his house I hugged all his family and just sat in chair till my mom had said "I think we should go," twice. That night I had a hard time even wanting to go to sleep but I finally did and I dreamt about Logan most of the night. I don't have a lot of memories of Logan because I was so young that last time I really hung out with him. But the strongest memory I have is the day I graduated from high school he asked me if i had a cell phone and what the number was. I thought it was a little werid but I gave it to him and he just texted me for a while, all he wanted was to know how was doing. That made my day even better, it let me know that he still still cared even though we didn't talk very much. Today was his funeral and just before was his viewing and as I was looking at him it still didn't seem real. I know he is a better place and I will see him again soon. I am just going to miss seeing him around town.This is the only picture I have of Logan and I it is really old because I was like 9 and he was 7.....
This are Logan's lovely brothers and sisters, they are also like my second family and I love them so much....
I have been looking at a lot of pictures of him lately and I have realized that he loved to make this face. I am really going to miss seeing this face.