Monday, April 18, 2011

Un-plugged week

I bet you all were begining to wonder why I had blogged almost every day one week and then you didn't hear from me at all the next week. Well hear it goes last Monday when I was in the TSC computer lab I saw a sign that said un-plugged week.Un-plugged week means no social media for the week to help you see how much time is wasted on things like that. Before I saw that sign I was begining to think that I needed to limit my social media and so right then and there I decided to not get on facebook or blogger for the week. As soon as I decided I started to doubt that I would be actually able to do but let me say that I made it. It was easier than I thought it would be to stay away from social media. On Thursday I almost caved because I just wanted to get on blogger and read one of my friends but I have to say that I proud that I did not get on. I also spent a lot of the week thinking of blog posts that I could possibily write but now I am not sure I remember any of those ideas. I never realized how much I say " I saw it on facebook," or "did you see that our friend is engaged." I see how annoying that is I am going to try and not rely so much on facebook. It also forced me to do my homework because there is only so much tv I can watch before I get restless.

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