Saturday, April 30, 2011

This school year.....

It is hard I to believe that this school year is almost over. I get really sad every time I think that a lot of things are changing (let's just say change isn't my favorite thing). It feels just like yesterday that I moved in with 5 of my best friends. We have become a family over this past year and it has been great. I have loved coming home and knowing that my friends will always be here for me. I wish we could all live together next but we are going in different directions. I have also learned a lot this year... a lot more than I thought I would. The most important thing that I have learned is "it's not about what you want it's about how you feel." Lets just say I am really stubborn and there was a period of time this year were I kept thinking regi don't do that but I wanted to so I just ignored that prompting. After about 3 months of being dumb it all came crashing down on me and it was then that I realized a lot about myself. Sometimes I look back and think man what was I doing but other times I think I am glad I went through that because it made me a better person.

Here are some of my favorite times from this I had blue hair from October to January, it was nice but I know it's just a one time event you will never see me with werid hair again....Amy being a goof at wal-mart....When Chantel and I found a random phone booth in the insitute building with no phone inside it anymore...Going to the store and buying random things with Kenzie, at times she was the only one that would come with me....Aggie basketball games were great... a lot better than last year because I actually had people who wanted to go with me this year....
Going home with Brittnay and Amy for Payson's Onion days. I had so much fun this year I wish it never had to end.

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