Friday, June 17, 2011

My injury...

It all started last Wednesay when I was at work and I realized the lights outside needed to be turned on. I usually ask the cooks to do it but I decided that I wanted to so I walked down to the basemnent and when I got down there Irealized there was water on the floor. When I saw the water I started to walking really carefully. I finally got the lights turned on and forgot about the water and I started running and then I slipped and fell. It hurt so bad I thought I wasn't going to be able to make it up the stairs but I finally did and when I got up there I went the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom room I checked out my leg that really hurt and there was a huge red welt and there was also a big red mark on my arm. I thought oh great I will have a huge bruise on my leg and a little one on my arm. I was wrong I have a huge one on my arm that is hard hide and just a small one on my leg. I thought my bruise was cool at first now it is just annoying because everyone always asks me what happened. You can see by the picture how big it actually is, I just hope it goes away soon so I don't wake up thinking who is going to ask me today about my arm.

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