Monday, June 13, 2011

The best and worst blind date all in one

The monday of the week I moved home for the summer my mom came to Logan to do some shopping and whenever she comes over we always go to lunch. This time we decided to go to chuck a rama. While we were there we sat by two ladies and one of the ladies knew one of the employees and he came talked to them. After he left one of the ladies told me that I should give my number to him. Well I was really nervous about that because I don't usually just give my number to random people that I haven't even talked to. I thought about it for a little while and then I gave my number to the lady to give to the employee. I left chuck a rama thinking that I would never hear from him. But to my surprise that night he started texting me. We ended up going on a date that night. We went to MacDonald's and I just wanted ice cream but he ordered this big meal and when we got to the window his card didn't work (I had cash with me but there was no way I was going to pay for him to eat a big meal). He said "my bank has done this to me before, I just had a check of $1500." At first I didn't believe it but then I started to and then he decided that he wanted to try his card at Carl's Jr and guess what it didn't work there eaither. He was smarter that time and only ordered ice cream so I payed and he said "you shouldn't have to pay we will go to a really nice dinner like Texas Roadhouse," I said "it's ok don't worry about it." I believed him and the rest of the date went great we just drove around and talked. When he dropped me off at my apartment he said "I will text you in the next couple of days." He texted me the next day and told me that he got off early and I asked him what he was going to do with his free time and he never answered. I texted him the next day and then 2 more times after that. I thought it was really werid because he seemed interested but whatever I was just angry with myself for believing that something was going to happen. Then a couple days ago I heard he has a new girlfriend and they went out to dinner and he forgot his wallet. Isn't that crazy now I really know that what he pulled with me was just to get a something free. I have definitly learned a lesson that boys need to earn my trust and that I need to trust myself.

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